journal of trends in computer science2024-01-25T15:12:12+00:00Academic Journal Onlineinfo@academicjournalonline.orgOpen Journal Systems<p>International journal of trends in computer science is a bi-annual, interdisciplinary, international peer-reviewed journal, with<strong> ISSN: </strong>2348-5205. The main objective of IJTCS is to provide an intellectual platform for academicians and scholars across the world.</p> <div class="Categorie"><a href="">SJIF 2022: 4.622</a></div> <p>IJTCS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in the field of computer science.</p> <p>It is devoted to the publication of original research, which brings fresh light to bear on the concepts, processes, and consequences of business, management, and information technology in general.</p> <p>It is multi-disciplinary in the sense that it encourages contributions from all relevant fields and specialized branches of Computer science.</p> GOVERNMENT2024-01-25T15:07:33+00:00Jamankulova А<p>The article describes the issues of increasing the efficiency of government agencies, the development of e-government and the digitization of territories, the introduction of government information systems and e-services, and offers suggestions for its introduction. It also analyzes theories and views on digitalization in public education, public services, the judiciary, finance and the banking system, and details its elements.</p>2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of trends in computer science OF ASPECTS AND NORMS OF EATING HABITS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES ON DEVELOPMENT OF GASTRONOMY TOURISM IN UZBEKISTAN2024-01-25T15:12:12+00:00Jasur Abulkosimovich Kakhorovinfo@academicjournalonline.orgDoniyorbek Gofurov<p>In this article, research was carried out to improve the study and service of the main features of the national cuisine and diet of the overseas countries, based on the experiences of foreign countries with developed gastronomic tourism in Uzbekistan, and the necessary proposals and recommendations were made in this regard.</p> <div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 22px; top: 50.5739px;"> <div class="gtx-trans-icon"> </div> </div>2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of trends in computer science