In this article, special attention is paid to the field of tourism in Uzbekistan today, as well as its development directions. Here, the needs of tourists visiting the country for halal tourism destinations were studied. Proposals and recommendations were made that halal tourism is one of the main sources of making Uzbekistan one of the developed countries.
Usmonova S. Islamic Tourism Has Great Potential in Uzbekistan. The diplomat (2019).
UNESCO. Gateway cities of uzbekistan on the great silk roads (2019) https://en.unesco.org/silkroad/countries-alongside-silk-road-routes/uzbekistan
Mastercard-CrescentRating. Global Muslim Travel Index 2019. Available online: https://www.crescentrating.com/reports/global-muslim-travel-index-2019.html
Usmonova S. Islamic Tourism Has Great Potential in Uzbekistan. The diplomat (2019)
Tourism-review. Uzbekistan plans to become ‘the centre of halal tourism’ (2019). https://www.tourism-review.com/uzbekistan-to-develop-halal-tourism-news11012.