Operational framework of KSIDC and the industrial development of Kerala
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Kerala industry, industrial development, industrial infrastructure, industrial promotion, KSIDC


Building a resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and fostering industrial innovations are the major probing areas of any developing economy. Without proper and comprehensive infrastructure, industrialisation is not possible. Bestowed with well-structured policies and pioneering initiatives, world class infrastructure, extremely low operating costs, highly skilled manpower, well connected roads and rail networks, excellent communication networks and easy accessibility, Kerala presents an excellent investor-friendly environment and offers immense opportunities for industrial development now a days. Kerala has sufficient potential for much faster economic development through rapid industrialisation in the context of globalised world and knowledge society and the Government has evolved various strategies to initiate an element of dynamism in the growth process so as to make the State a leading industrial destination in India. It is in this context, the paper examines the economic imperative of the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) for the industrial development of Kerala in terms of its functions, operational performance, scope and significance in a more liberalised and much more dynamic industrial environment of the State.

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